I have finished my 1st semester break ! haha yeah that's
mean I have finished my 1st semester as a degree student.. I'm glad that I
finished the semester with good grades. They're maybe not as good as some of my
friends but at least I manage to get the best result for it since it's from my
own studies.
This second semester seems to be tougher than the last
semester that I had. Everything look
pretty hard but yeah it's only a second day of it so I can't get my strength
drained already! Need to be stronger than what I did on last semester! I'm
starting to have butterflies in my stomach whenever I start thinking about
this. About my survival that will be starting since this semester.
Why? Why do I think it that way? Because I can say that we
were only having revisions during last semester since most of the subjects
contained of what we've learnt during our school time. However, it's different
this time. We will have lots of labs sessions. Today, I was told by the
lecturer that we're going to have at least 13 modules that need to be completed
during this semester!
Well that's only for lab sessions of ONE OF THE ENGINEERING CORE
SUBJECTS that i need to take, not included with another 3 subjects! I really
hope that I could cope with those critical times of my life. At this moment, I
am quite shocked and tired with our new class schedule. I think we have a
tighter timetable this time, we have no choice but to accept this -___-
I guess that it is. I will write again IF ONLY I am in the
mood to do so and also if I really have the time for it...(hahaha it's like I
won't write anymore lol joking XD) Should stop writing and have a rest. I
really feel dizzy now and as if like the world is spinning! Byebye my dears..
Love ya.
Much love,
2 00 cute and handsome bloggers comments:
hai, same goes to me ^^,
all sbjects seems tougher than sem 1..hope we can survive for this sem haha :P
I hope so !! Lets do our best! :D
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